Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Rise Up..

Half way to the weekend, and oh lord am I looking forward to this one.. Long gone are the days when I long to party all weekend preferring the weekends where I do little to nothing watching chick flicks, enjoying takeaway noodles and lounging with friends, I think it is official I have passed my rave by date and now I am not old by any means but maybe I did it all too soon and I burnt out my wick.. I recall times when my parents would say you will get bored, the later part of that conversation hanging on the wind as I couldn't wait to hot foot out the door into the nearest cocktail bar... Maybe this isn't so bad, see now I appreciate things that I once never did and that can only be a good thing.. Well today I wanted to release the girl in me and found this cute little ballerina dress, OBVIOUSLY I had to grunge it up but it still evokes cuteness for me and this appeals to all that is me, higher ARC that normal but I get the feeling you forgive me this one..   In honour of my party days I chose one of my favourite dance tracks.. Oh and big salute to myself for not getting bored and sacking off this blog, as I celebrate my 25th post, ching ching and bottoms up luvvies.. :)
Listening and Dancing Wildly to - Sunkids Feat Chance - Rise Up

Styled by me with an ARC of 1233

Hair : Rawhouse created by Jay Khaos
Skin: Al Vulo created by Hlin Bluebird
Eyes: Poetic Color created by Lano Ling-Whitfield 
Lashes: Nikita Fride created by Nikita Fride
EarsGauged created by Llis Kirax
Nails: Detour created by Keri Clip
TattooPara Designs created by Vicky Werefox
Gloves: Yuli created by Yuli Orman
Dress: Nylon Outfitters created by Nylon Pinkney
Ripped Tights: Blowpop created by Annyka Bekkers
Shoes: WMD created by Maruko Sakigake

Poses by LAP

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Review copies are always accepted and appreciated. I will always do my best to use items but will not make any guarantee they will be used. I do not write lengthy reviews but use items that fit into my style and of course that come with a lower arc. If there is anything I need to know about your items please notecard me with the specifics. Thank you.