Monday, 23 May 2011

New Romantic

And like the British weather, time for a change..On one of my regular outfit changes I came up with this little ensemble and thought ooo now this appeals to the 80's chicka in me, I could have been born of every generation I am sure haha!!!! Special thanks to the friend that helped me choose shoes whilst skyping, I was seriously struggling to finish it off even though I had just returned from the shoe fair loaded down with boxes.. x  Enjoy peeps..
Listening to Laura Marling - New Romantic

Styled by me with an ARC of 1007

Hair : Lelutka created by Thora Charron
Skin: Apple May Designs @ PaperDoll created by Apple May 
Eye Makeup: Damned created by DamnedShop Resident
Eyes: Poetic Color created by Lano Ling-Whitfield 
Lashes: Nikita Fride created by Nikita Fride
Ears: GAUGED created by Lilas Kirax
Tattoo: Para created by Vicky Werefox
Nails: Detour created by Keri Clip
Top: Emery created by Sunami Beck
Jeans:  NSD created by Naith Smit
Belt:  Emery created by Sunami Beck
Bangles: Artilleri created by Antonia Marat
Shoes:  J's created by JB Gazov

Poses by LAP

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Review copies are always accepted and appreciated. I will always do my best to use items but will not make any guarantee they will be used. I do not write lengthy reviews but use items that fit into my style and of course that come with a lower arc. If there is anything I need to know about your items please notecard me with the specifics. Thank you.