Thursday, 19 May 2011

Geek Unique..

So today I felt pretty geeky and thought I would dress my little lady accordingly.  Art was very much the agenda of my day, with new pieces on my Flickr page, I guess this look kind of matches my mood.. Well also cause I feel like a dork, we'll throw something out there for you to listen to matching my mood, I love the freaky music video it kind of makes me go ewwww, wow, wtf all rolled into one... 
Listening to Cassius - The Foals

Styled by me with an ARC of 1001

Hair : Friday created by Parvarti Monday
Skin:  Filthy created by Alexandra Hawker
Eye MakeUp: Damned created by DAMNEDshop
Eyes: Poetic Color created by Lano Ling-Whitfield 
Lashes:  Exodi created by Ryker Beck
Ears: Gauged created by Llis Kirax
Glasses: Duboo created by Newreem Waffle
Vest: Niniko created by Kae Sahara
Shirt: Emery created by Sunami Beck
 Cardigan: Friday created by Parvarti Monday
Jeans: Luck Inc created by CK Winx
Slip Ons: Hoorenbeek created by Limer Fredriksson

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Review copies are always accepted and appreciated. I will always do my best to use items but will not make any guarantee they will be used. I do not write lengthy reviews but use items that fit into my style and of course that come with a lower arc. If there is anything I need to know about your items please notecard me with the specifics. Thank you.